IMAGE® Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate
IMAGE® Brush & Vine Killer for Concentrate kills woody plants and deep-rooted weeds including blackberries, poison oak and Scotch broom. This product provides a complete kill; no regrowth from roots. See visible results in as little as 2 days and complete kill within 3 to 4 weeks.
This product can be used along fences and driveways, under decks, around patios and buildings, or in driveways and parking areas. To kill unwanted woody plants, brush and vines, wet the brush completely with the spray. This product kills Kudzu, Blackberries, Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Sumac, and other listed plants.
- Kills tough brush and vines – roots and all
- Provides a complete kill; no regrowth from the roots
- Kills tough weeds, grasses, vines, brush & stumps including poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, wild
blackberry, and other listed plants
Poison Oak
Poison Ivy
Horsetail Brush
IMAGE® Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate Instructions
Use this amount of Brush & Vine Killer in this amount of water to cover this area
½ - 1 cup (4 - 8 fl. oz.) - 1 gallon - 500 sq. ft.
1 - 2 cups (8 - 16 fl. oz.) - 2 gallons - 1000 sq. ft.
1½ - 3 cups (12 - 24 fl. oz.) - 3 gallons - 1500 sq. ft.
For stump treatment: Right after the tree or bush has been cut down, apply this product to the stump. Use the product straight from the bottle; do not add water. Use a paint brush or small sprayer to completely cover the freshly cut surface.
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