IMAGE® Noxall Weed + Grass Killer Granules
A weed and grass killer for use in locations where no plant growth is desired including walkways and driveways.
IMAGE® Crabgrass & Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate
A weed killer for lawns that kills major broadleaf and troublesome grass weeds including crabgrass.
IMAGE® Crabgrass & Weed Killer for Lawns Ready-to-Spray
A weed killer for lawns that kills major broadleaf and troublesome grass weeds including crabgrass.
IMAGE® Nutsedge Killer for Southern Lawns Concentrate
A weed killer for lawns that is formulated to kill yellow & purple nutsedge, sandbur, dollarweed and other hard to kill grassy weeds in warm season grasses.
IMAGE® Crabgrass, Nutsedge, & Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate
A weed killer for lawns designed to kill tough weeds to the root! Starts working on contact to kill crabgrass, dandelion, nutsedge, clover and other listed weeds.
IMAGE® Weed Killer for Southern Lawns Ready-to-Spray
A weed killer for lawns that controls tough broadleaf weeds in southern grasses including St. Augustinegrass, Bermuda, Zoysia, and Centipedegrass.
IMAGE® Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate
A brush and vine killer that kills tough pests including poison ivy, poison oak, blackberry, and kudzu.
IMAGE® Casoron Weed + Grass Preventer Granules
A weed and grass preventer for use around established shrubs and trees to prevent grassy and perennial weeds from growing.