IMAGE® Nutsedge Killer for Southern Lawns Concentrate
IMAGE® Nutsedge Killer for Southern Lawns Concentrate kills tough*, hard-to-kill* weeds in established southern turfgrasses [*including dandelion, dollarweed, crabgrass and others listed]. Kills warm and cold season weeds including purple and nutsedge, Poa annua, and clover. This product can be used to treat weeds in dormant Bermudagrass.
This product is mainly absorbed by the roots of sprayed weeds and is translocated throughout the weed to provide complete kill. It can be used to control weeds in southern turfgrasses including St. Augustine, Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass, and Selected Landscape Ornamentals and Groundcovers.
- Kills really tough, hard-to-kill weeds in lawns including dandelion, dollar weed, crabgrass and others listed
- Kills Yellow and Purple Nutsedge
- For use on Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, St. Augustinegrass, and other listed grasses
Poa Annua
Wild Onion or Garlic
IMAGE® Nutsedge Killer for Southern Lawns Concentrate Application Instructions
Applying IMAGE® Herbicide is easy and requires little cleanup. You can use IMAGE® Kills Nutsedge for spot treatments with a trigger or pump up sprayer or treat large areas with a hose end sprayer. When using IMAGE, you should expect to see weed discoloration in 1 to 2 weeks and dead weeds in 3 to 5 weeks.
Concentrate Application
Applying IMAGE® Herbicide Using a Hand-trigger or Pump-up Sprayer:
- Mix 2.5 fl. oz. of IMAGE (5 Tbsp.) per gallon of water.
- Spray lawn until wet. Uniformly spray over coverage area.
- Will cover approximately 6,000 square feet.
- Water-in at a rate of 1/2 inch within 1 to 7 days to wash IMAGE into the root zone where the greatest weed control activity occurs. A second application can be made in 6 weeks.
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